High Resolution Icon
A computer icon is a pictogram displayed on a computer screen in order to help user navigate a computer system or mobile device in a similar way traffic signs are used to help a driver navigate traffic; one of the most notable icon designers, Susan Kare was quoted saying “good icons should be more like road signs than illustrations, easily comprehensible, and not cluttered with extraneous detail”.
Features of High Resolution Icon Pack
- Choose over 2000 various Windows icon.
- All icons are full resolution.
- Extra Large Icon setting compatible.
- Alienware Icon Pack.
- Radium Icon Pack.
- Crystal Like Icon Pack.
- Hydro Pro Icon Pack and many more.
How to Change Icon of a Folder
- Right-click the folder you want to change the icon of.
- Select “properties”.
- Select “Customize”… the far right tab.
- Click on the “Change Icon” button at the bottom.
- Click on the “Browse….” button.
- Now go to your .ico file location and open it.
- Hit the Refresh after applying the change.
- Enjoy !