How to get Free iAP (In App Purchase) for iOS (JB) and (non JB) & OS X

paid free
Free IAP (In App Purchase) for iOS & OS X
LocaliAPstore is one of the best iOS app that does bypass payment page and redirect directly to item download and installation page in Apple store in-app application.
If you are looking for purchasing paid apps at free of cost, then LocaliAPstore is the best iOS app that does bypass payment page and allows you to get it free.
Please read everything carefully to avoid any problems. 🙂
How to get free In App Purchase on iOS?
  1.  Jailbreak your iDevice
  2. Go to Cydia and add this repo: ” ” or download the .deb file from below.
  3. Install LocaliAPstore on your iDevice.
  4. Reboot your iDevice.
  5. Go to Settings and enable LocaliAPstore.
  6. You have tow ways:
Standard receipt:
  1. Enable hack in your, disable custom receipts ( no need log out from your Apple ID).
  2. Open app in which you want to make in-app purchase. Try to buy something – popup will be displayed. Tap “Cancel”
  3. You are done! Receive your in-app for free!
Custom receipt:
  1. Enable hack in your, enable custom receipts. Then you need log out from your Apple ID.
  2. Open app in which you want to make in-app purchase. Try to buy something – pop-up will be displayed. Tap “Buy”, then, on Apple ID popup, tap “Cancel”
  3. You are done! Receive your in-app for free!
If one of the ways fails, try another, it may work 😉
How to get free In App Purchase on iOS <5?
  1. Sign off your appleID in Settings->Store->Tap on your appleid->Sign Off
  2. Open this page into your iDevice. Install the certificates given below.The order of installing is very important! Install first certificate first, second – second.
  3. Open Wi-Fi settings on your iDevice and tap arrow on the right of your Wi-Fi network. Remove all data from DNS field and set it to this IP address: (more to come)
  4. Go to your application and try to buy something! You will see dialog window asks you to Like, “LIKE” IT!
  5. When iDevice asks you to enter credentials, enter random credentials, not yours.
  6. You’re done enjoy receiving in-apps!!!!!!!!!!!
How to get free In App Purchase on Mac OS X?
  1. If you are using Mountain Lion, Enable “anywhere” sources for software in>Security & Privacy
  2. Navigate Safari to the links of the certificates given below. They will be automatically saved as *.cer files in your downloads folder. Just import them into keychain by double-clicking (in OS X 10.8.1.) or if you have earlier version – save it using CMD+F and selecting: Export as *.pem        Format: Page Source
  3. Then click “Save” and “Don’t Append”
  4. Click twice on first certificate. KeyChain Utility should open. Click “Always Trust”, then enter your local credentials and click “Update Settings”:
  5. Click twice on second certificate and install it just like the first one.
  6. Download Grim Receiper from the link below. That’s the tool to keep your original receipts in safe place (locally, of course) during you are using Mount and copy Grim to some folder.
  7. From this step you can continue, if you already used in-appstore on OS X before. Open System Preferences->Network and set DNS of your network to the following IP: Select network->Advanced->DNS->Click “+”->Fill IP->Okay->Apply
  8. U’re done!
You should run Grim Receiper every time you are using! Open Grim Receiper. Click “Just let me do smth”. Drag your application where you want to “buy” in-apps on it and on in-app purchase you will get a message. Click like. Enter random credentials, and Enjoy!
For iOS
Jailbreak tools are always free. DON’T PAY TO DOWNLOAD THEM.
For iOS <5:
in-appstore works only when you are connected to Wi-Fi, not Cellular network.
If you see default app-store “Are you sure to purchase?” you ARE NOT CONNECTED TO IN-APPSTORE.COM. Please re-read instructions and try to setup service again.
You should use only when you want to get in-app purchase for free. After “purchasing” you must unset DNS. You can set it again without certificates installation to access in-appstore again.
You can not use AppStore application and every other sites/applications that require internet access while you are connected to Remember, in-appstore is only for purchasing in-apps for free. That’s all.
For Mac
10.7+ (Lion), 10.6.8 does not have in-apps!
If you see default app-store “Are you sure to purchase?” You ARE NOT CONNECTED TO IN-APPSTORE.COM. Please re-read instructions and try to setup service again.
Project is in beta stage. So there are restrictions:
After “purchasing” you must unset DNS. You can set it again without certificates installation to access in-appstore again. (just select DNS and click “-”).
Download Links
iOS <5:  First, Second  (Order is Important).
FirstSecond  (Order is Important)
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