Top Ten Google Tricks Ever
Hey, Guys I Would Like To Share Some Of My Favorite Google Tricks. But The Trick I Like The Most Is Number 3. And I Hope Those Who Don’t Know About This Would Like It Too. So What Are We Waiting For Let’s Get Started. 
- Definition
There is no longer the need to type a word and then visit dictionaries online to find its meaning. Using this trick, all you need to do is simply write “define” followed by the word whose meaning you want to know, This Cool Google trickComes very handy if you use it Effectively. You will be amazed to see that the meaning of the word, along with itssynonym and antonym will be displayed on the search engine. For instance, type “define reach” and then press enter. The meaning of the word will get displayed on your screen.
- Use Google as Timer
You Can use Google Search to Set Timers too. If you want to Complete Certain Task in so and so minutes or hours then You can simply start Timer. This is one of the Most amazing Google Tricks that very few people are aware of. All you have to do is Open a new tab in your favourite Browser and Enter the Term “Google Timer” and click enter.As soon as you Hit enter you will see google timer is already started. In this Example i have used 10 minutes but you can always change it to anything.
- Atari Breakout
Only Few Know about this trick and so I think this is the Best Trick amongst all the Google Tricks. All you have to do is Type in the address bar of your browser to open up google images. Now type “Atari Breakout” and Press Enter. You will Definitely Be amazed to see what happens next. It is Only Fair to Add this Trick in my list of Cool Google Tricks.
- Translate
The “Google language tool” comes very handy while translating text, words, a fully fledged web page or document on the internet. If You Wish To Translate Any Word Then Type The Word And After The Word Type ‘ Translate ‘. Example“Amigo Translate”
- Find movies and weather
All you need to do is type “movies” or “weather” in the search box followed by the area code or name of the state in order to display corresponding information regarding it. For instance, if you type “weather 12345”, weather conditions of the corresponding location will be displayed. Also, on typing “movies 12345”, the details of all the movies currently running at that place along with number of shows will get displayed. this is another Cool Google trick then i like and use.
- Know when sunrise is
Google can also tell you when the Sun will rise. For example to find sunrise in Manali just type “Sunrise Manali” and hit enter.
- Tracking airline flights and packages
Enter the airline and flight number to display the status of an airline flight and it’s arrival time. For example, type: “delta 123″ to display this flight information if available. Google can also give a direct link to package tracking information if you enter a UPS, FedEx or USPS tracking number.
- Calculator
You can use the Google search engine as a real-time calculator as well. For instance, if you will type 25+25 in the search box, 50 will get displayed.
- Stocks
All you need to do is type the stock symbol on Google and you will get information about stock rates, links as well as charts. For instance, to know about the stock details of “Microsoft”, you have to write “stocks microsoft” on Google.
- Finding Specific results only
To get results matching only a certain file type, simply go to this site “Click Here“ after you visit fill the info of the files and search.